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American elderberry harvest workshop at River Hills Harvest

2025 Elderberry Workshops

Welcome to your home for River Hills Harvest elderberry workshops!  We are excited to announce a number of workshops being held here in Missouri this coming year and we hope you can join us for at least one. 

For right now, we will add save the dates to this page and when the event is up, you'll also be able to find it here.  Be sure to subscribe to our newsletters to be the first to know when tickets are available.  

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2nd Annual

International Elderberry Symposium

& River Hills Harvest Beginning Growers Workshop

"Join us in the epicenter of elderberry research and development in North America, as we proudly unveil the Second International Symposium on Elderberry. Scientists, farmers, processors, and elderberry visionaries from around the world will gather in Columbia, Missouri, USA for a symposium that transcends borders, disciplines, and perspectives. Mark your calendars for June 18-20, 2025, during peak elderberry flowering season, as we delve into the captivating world of Sambucus."  -The University of Missouri

We cannot express how excited we are for the 2nd Annual International Elderberry Symposium taking place in Columbia, Missouri in June!  Tickets to the symposium will be available on the University's website soon. 
You can get tickets for our additional Beginning Growers Workshop on the day before the symposium on Tuesday, June 17th.  You can pick up your tickets now for that event that will be from 12:30pm to 4:30pm at Stoney Creek.  Click the event below to learn more and get tickets!

Beginning Growers Workshop before The International Elderberry Symposium 2025
Beginning Growers Workshop before The International Elderberry Symposium 2025
Beginning Growers Workshop before The International Elderberry Symposium 2025
Jun 17, 2025, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Stoney Creek Inn,
2601 S Providence Rd, Columbia, MO 65203, USA

International Elderberry Symposium Details

Tuesday, June 17th will be our Beginning Growers Workshop from 12:30 to 4:30pm. 

Wednesday, June 18th at 8am kicks off the International Elderberry Symposium.  Conference and poster sessions run from 8am-5pm on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Optional evening outing to Elderblossom View Winery from 6-8pm Wednesday evening.  Optional elderberry banquet on Thursday evening from 6-7:30pm (additional ticket required).

The elderberry trade show will run from 8am on Wednesday until after lunch on Thursday.  You can expect to find many elderberry products, equipment, resources and just plain fun at the trade show booths!

Find out more and get tickets to the International Elderberry Symposium at the University of Missouri website by clicking the button below.

If you are interested in being a vendor in the elderberry trade show, please fill out the form by clicking the button below.  We'll be in touch soon with more information for you.

On Farm Harvest Workshops
with River Hills Harvest

Join the crew for a day during harvest season!  We'll start early in the day picking ripe berries out of the field then migrate to the processing area.  You'll learn all the ins and outs of harvesting plus get a firsthand look at a day's progress.  You will operate the destemming machine, sanitize berries and get them ready to be safely packed and frozen.  We'll include a lunch break in there too!

Workshop dates will become available closer to harvest time. These workshops will be led by our entire crew, as all hands are on deck during harvest season.  This is our busiest and most crucial time of year; we are only allowing a few spots for these workshops to be available.  This will ensure we can give you the best experience and education as well as make sure we get an ample amount of harvesting and processing done on those days.

Participants will be expected to harvest berries, move bins of berries, use a destemming machine and sanitize berries.  This will be a labor-intensive day, as you will be working alongside our crew.   Depending on the heat, we may start very early in the morning.  This is the nature of farming, and we hope to have participants who are serious and eager to pitch in as well as learn.

Stay tuned for the date and when tickets are available!

River Hills Harvest purple hands processing elderberries
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