American Elderberry Plants
& Supplies
We have a limited supply of Spring bare root elderberry plants for sale that are shipping out now. Pre-orders for small elderberry plants are open now and will begin to ship in May through June.
In general, bare root plants will ship out in October and/or November. Dormant hardwood cuttings will ship in January and February. Rooted elderberry cuttings, or small plants, will begin to ship in late spring.
If you want to read up on growing elderberries, visit our Blog and Resources pages.
Terry's Elderberry Destemmer​
You're ultimate machine for destemming elderberries quickly and efficiently. Click HERE to see an informational video.

$10,460 Phone or Email Orders Only
Click the button below to learn more about TED
At River Hills Harvest we designed and use our own TED elderberry destemmers during every harvest season...

Elderberry Destemming Tray & Sanitizing Basket
Destem up to 100 pounds an hour if you've got the gumption! This is designed for hand destemming of American elderberries. The tray fits in the basket and you drop the fresh berry heads on the tray, then gently move back and forth to allow the berries to fall through. Remove the tray and your basket fits in a standard size washing sink. Then you're ready to wash and freeze your freshly harvested elderberries. Click HERE to see our destemming tray and sanitizing basket combo in action.