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Health and Recipes

Welcome to our Health & Recipes page, where we know you care about your health, and we want to be there for the journey!  Hippocrates deemed elderberry as 'Nature's Medicine Chest'.  You can find recipes on this page made from many of our products and your own freshly grown elderberries.  We will also keep links to articles and studies regarding our American elderberries and your health here for your quick reference.  

River Hills Harvest Elderberry Health Cordial

The American Elderberry Difference

The most important thing to understand about the following recipes and documents is that they represent American black elderberries, or Sambucus canadensis.  If you wanted to get super technical, it's Sambucus nigra spp. canadensis.  These elderberries are native to North America and are vastly different than the Sambucus nigra elderberry that is imported into the USA from Europe, Ukraine and other places across the globe.  

How are they different?  For starters, we have only been farming our American elderberries here in the USA for about 20 years, they are relatively new.  Where we have been importing Sambucus nigra for many, many years.  We are JUST NOW in recent years beginning to see studies done and progress towards establishing our American elderberries.  So, you may find much more information readily available about Sambucus nigra elderberries than you do American.  

But they are SO different!

American Elderberries Do Not Need To Be Boiled To Consume

American Elderberries Contain More Antioxidants

American Elderberry Products Support American Farms

American Elderberries Can Be Made Into A Nutrient Dense Pure Juice

River Hills Harvest American Elderberry Juice differences between American vs European

1.  American elderberries do not contain the number of precursors of cyanide in them that others do, therefor they are the only ones that can be eaten raw or made into a product using a low heat process.  Imagine all the nutrients we are saving by not having to boil them all out???

2.  Sambucus nigra (imported) elderberries require boiling to consume and cannot be eaten raw.

3.  It should be noted the boiling is a BIG difference.  If you are working with Sambucus nigra elderberries, many of these recipes will not work for you because we do not boil the berries in any of them.  

4.  American elderberries contain at least 2 known extra antioxidants in them.  Why does that matter?  First, we can make a shelf stable elderberry juice that maintains its color and flavor.  An American elderberry juice is the most nutrient dense way to consume elderberry.  Sambucus nigra elderberries turn brown once juiced and concentrates available are only palatable mixed with lots of water or with lots of sugar or sweetener added.  American elderberry juice tastes fresh and looks beautiful!

American Elderberry Recipes

Each recipe is designed for use with fresh American elderberries or one of our River Hills Harvest American elderberry products.

Frozen cubes of American Elderberry Syrup link to syrup recipe blog post.

American Elderberry Syrup​​

​​Three easy ways to make American elderberry syrup in a crockpot.  Using either fresh, dried or freeze-dried American elderberries.

River Hills Harvest American elderberry infused honey link to recipe blog post for elderberry honey, vinegar and shrub

American Elderberry Honey + Vinegar + Shrub​​

​​Three easy recipes using our Freeze-Dried American Elderberries.  

Child drinking River Hills Harvest Elderberry Juice link to Mulled Apple Cider Blog Post

American Elderberry Mulled Apple Cider​​

Easy American elderberry mulled apple cider with dehydrated or freeze-dried American elderberries.

American Elderberry Smoothie Recipe by River Hills Harvest Image Only
Fall Leaves link to River Hills Harvest Elderberry Roasted Squash Recipe

American Elderberry Roasted Butternut Squash​​

Use American Elderberry Syrup to create a tasty glaze for roasted butternut squash.

River Hills Harvest Elderberry Cordial link to Holiday Drink Ideas Blog

American Elderberry Cordial Holiday Drink Ideas​​

Use our Elderberry Cordial with cinnamon, clove and honey to create three delicious drinks for a party, or just you!

River Hills Harvest recipe image for elderberry fruit salad

Health and American Elderberries

Many places you look today recommend taking elderberry for a number of reasons.  Whether they are doctors, or homesteaders who have been using these remedies for years, each say that elderberry is great for our body.  But what has it been good for?

Immune Support


Weight Loss


Gut Health


Blood Sugar Regulation

Brain Health

  • Immune support.  Since elderberries are so high in antioxidants and other vitamins, they are great for helping our immune system stay strong.  Folks have taken elderberry to prevent sicknesses and viruses, to help heal faster when sick and as a daily supplement to stay strong.

  • Inflammation.  Elderberry has been used to help combat inflammation.  Inflammation can be caused by a number of things, and the best advice is to stay on top of it.  Elderberry will be active in your system for about 9 hours, if you are taking elderberry for inflammation, we would recommend taking it twice a day, so it is always active in your body.  

  • Blood Sugar Regulation.  American elderberry juice has zero added sugars, alcohol or water.  Historically people have been able to take pure elderberry and help regulate their blood sugar levels.  Please note that many 'elderberry syrups' and 'tonics' on the market are made with primarily sugar or honey, and should not be taken for this, ensure you read your ingredient labels before taking elderberry for this.  

  • Eyesight.  It has been said that elderberry can help improve eyesight, similar to carrots.  

  • Gut Health + Digestion + Weight Loss.  Elderberry can help improve our natural biome in our gut, helping aid in digestion even weight loss.  Please see the article we have listed below from MDPI where they are administering OUR elderberry juice to patients in the current trials.

  • Brain Health.  This is may be the most promising use of elderberry research happening on the horizon.  OUR River Hills Harvest American Elderberry Juice is being used in human trials right now to see how American elderberry can help improve our brain health.  Patients are administered our juice 3 times a day and the first trials showed promising results.  Essentially elderberry can help break up the 'plaque' in our brains that can contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia.  The first link on the bottom of the page is to this particular research.

But what about the elderflowers?

Historically elderflowers have been said to have the same immune system boosting properties as the berries.  Elderflower syrup has been made in homesteads for generations and taken just like the elderberry syrups we see on the market today.  What we don't have is any science or research backing up those claims, only word of mouth of old remedies that were trusted for decades.

River Hills Harvest hand holding freshly harvested American elderflowers

​Here's what we do know about American elderflowers.  They are proving to be great for our skin!  Elderflowers are part of what The University of Missouri is studying with their grant, and they have determined that they are very antibacterial.  This is great for use on our face and skin as it can help with acne or help heal face scarring. Elderflowers have been used like a Neosporin in the past, being made into a salve or poultice and placed directly on wounds to prevent infection and help heal.  


Last on elderflowers, have you tasted them?!?  There is nothing more refreshing than walking the rows in the field when elderflowers are in full bloom, the scent is amazing.  Perhaps you've tried our American Elderflower Cordial or tasted an elderflower wine or liquor.  The sweet floral aroma mixes well with lemon and has a variety of uses in the bar and restaurant industry today.  We LOVE elderflower tea around here, served hot or cold.  

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