Resources for Elderberry Growers
Missouri is currently the top producing state of American elderberry, Sambucus canadensis. We want to expand the market for American elderberries and continue to grow more successful farms and healthier communities...
At River Hills Harvest, we are committed to educating farmers...
We host workshops and give presentations throughout the country ranging in subjects from elderberry growing, processing and marketing and food development.
We have a number of articles and links below that contain information for commercial and home growers.
We regularly attend, speak and give demonstrations at conferences across the country, such as Mother Earth News Fairs, Ozarks Homesteading Expos, MOSES (now Marbleseed) and more.
We aren't just there for commercial growers, we are also there to guide you on how to grow this medicine in your own backyard.
Ways to Learn
1. Attend our annual Elderberry Workshop & Orchard Tour. A two to three day in-depth learning experience for growing and marketing your crop. We work with the University of Missouri Agroforestry and Advancing American Elderberry to put this on each summer.
2. Attend a single day workshop with Terry. A few times a year we will try to offer a half day workshop for beginning growers around central, Missouri.
3. Take Terry's in-depth, online classes at Here you will learn more about growing, processing and marketing than anywhere in the country. And you'll get to learn and complete the classes on your own time.
4. You can also hear Terry speaking about growing elderberries at various conferences and festivals throughout the country. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed. If you'd like to have us teach at your next event, please send us an email.
5. Keep reading for articles and resources and be sure to give our Blog page a visit.
6. We have a number of videos up on YouTube and be sure to follow our Facebook and Instagram for current updates and news about growing, workshops and more.
American Elderberry General Information
In general, elderberries can reach around 10' tall in Northern states while they can reach up to 15' tall in Southern states.
They thrive and produce the most in full sun but can grow well in part shade.
Elderberries are going to prefer a soil pH between 5.5 and 6.5.
They prefer a moist soil with lots of organic material. They do well irrigated but can also do without.
It is not required to have two different varieties to pollinate, but it can improve production over time.
Native to the US, Sambucus canadensis berries are able to be processed using cooler temperatures than the European native, Sambucus nigra. Boiling is not required. American elderberries contain more antioxidants than others across the globe.
American Elderberry Selections
The selections we grow here at River Hills Harvest have all at one point been selected from the wild here in the USA. Through growing these particular selections, we have found them to have characteristics that we desire, such as ripening times, disease resistance, and more. Learn about the American elderberry selections we grow and how we sell them. If you need more information, head over to our Blog Page for detailed information on planting and more.
8-10' Tall
Originated in New York
One of our oldest selections that continues to do great.
Bob Gordon
6-8' Tall
Discovered in Oceola, Missouri
Recumbent berry heads when ripe that can help protect them from the birds.
8-14' Tall
Originated in Pocahontas, Arkansas.
Very large flower and berry heads that will need a long grow season to fully ripen.
Can be easily damaged by wind.
5-6' Tall
Hardiest selection, recommended for harsh heat and wind climates.
Ranch is an excellent producer that is in general, the smallest of the elderberry selections we grow.
6-10' Tall
Wyldewood was the first selection released by The University of Missouri and has continued to be a vigorous producer.
York & Nova
Both grow around 6-10' Tall
Nova and York do best in northern US States, in colder climates. But can do very well there.
Nova has one of the largest berry sizes we've seen yet and could be a great selection to grow for dye making.
Bob Gordon showing off a ripe recumbent berry head.
A new selection, Coop entering the University of Missouri trials.
Adams indeterminate qualities shooting up multiple heads.
Wyldewood indeterminte qualities.
A close up of Ranch's even ripening berry heads.
A thick head of Pocahontas flowers.
Planting American Elderberries
Planting Dormant Hardwood Cuttings
Dormant hardwood elderberry cuttings are taken when the plant is in its dormant state. Here in the Midwest, that is between December and February. Dormant hardwood cuttings do not have any established roots and are ideally not leafing out yet. Dormant hardwood cuttings are the most cost-effective way to start elderberries, but also require the most care to get established. We do not start elderberries from seeds, they are reproduced by making hardwood cuttings. Click HERE to read about why we start from cuttings and not seeds.
Based on recent research from the University of Missouri, we know that cuttings need to be:
Planted before the 2nd week in March to be the most successful in the Midwest.
Planted outdoors, in the soil or in an unheated greenhouse.
They should also be wider than a half inch in diameter.
They should contain two sets of nodes.
Consistently moist and kept watered, at all times.
They should never be planted too late in the season or started in water and/or indoors.
Planting Your American Elderberry Cuttings
Your elderberry cuttings from River Hills Harvest can remain in the bag with moist sphagnum moss they come in. Keep them in the refrigerator until you are ready to plant. They have been sanitized and are free of pests or diseases.
Cuttings should be planted in the cold weather, before the 2nd week in March. You can plant even if your ground is frozen. Elderberries want to be planted in cool weather so they can establish roots instead of focusing on leafing out.
Prepare your planting area.
Locate the two node sets on your elderberry cutting. Note that the angled side should be pointing downward.
Your cutting should be facing upward and not angled or horizontal when you plant it.
Plant your cutting in the soil with the bottom set of nodes about 2-3 inches below the soil surface.
Space cuttings 3 to 5 feet apart, less if in a commercial setting.
Water in well and continue to keep constantly watered through the year.
Mulch can help keep in moisture and protect your cuttings.
Keep it watered and you should begin to see growth within 4 months, depending on your location. Don't be alarmed if you don't see anything, you may later see shoots pop up from the roots instead of your initial cutting.
Planting Rooted Cuttings or Elderberry Plants
Rooted elderberry cuttings have generally been started early in the season in a protected area. They have established some roots and may have leaves as well. These are a great buy because they already have roots, and this is where many folks struggle when planting dormant hardwood cuttings. However, these are only offered in the early spring as shipping them later in the summer is just too hot for them to survive the process. The middle of summer is also not the best time to plant elderberries, as they can dry out quickly before becoming established to the area. If you have purchased an elderberry plant in the summer, you can plant them in a large pot and transplant to the ground in fall. Just be sure either way, you keep them watered WELL.
If you have purchased small elderberry plants from a nursery, don't be alarmed if when you plant them, they lose their leaves. This can happen the later in the season they are planted but just keep them watered. Likely they are establishing to their environment and will begin send up new shoots from the leaves instead of the initial cutting stem.
Planting Your Rooted Elderberry Cuttings or Plants
Immediately water your plant when you get it home, it's been on a journey to get there and will be happy.
Prepare your planting area.
Break up the potting mix that the elderberry came in, leaving a little attached to the roots.
Plant in the soil up to the same soil level as the plant already was.
Be sure to thoroughly mix in the surrounding soil around the roots.
Mulch if you can as it will retain more moisture.
Water your elderberry plant in well and keep it constantly watered throughout the year.
Planting Bare Root Elderberries
Bare root elderberry plants were started early in the year as dormant hardwood cuttings. They are available in the fall and should be planted then. The soil has been shaken out of them for shipping and the top snipped off the plant. This ensures it continues to focus on growing more roots. They are easy to plant and get established.
Planting Your Bare Roots
Once you get your bare root plant, give it water or soak the roots.
Prepare your planting area.
Bare root plants want to be planted in the cool weather of the fall. They are entering dormancy, so don't expect to see much if any new growth this year.
Soak the roots of your plant for up to 15 minutes before planting.
Plant where the roots are less than a few inches below the soil surface.
Water in well and continue to water throughout the fall and if dry, occasionally in the winter.
Explore our Blog page to learn in-depth about planting and buying American elderberries as well as recipes.
More In-Depth Resources
Grow Elderberries with Terry Durham Online Classes
1. Growing American Elderberries
2. Processing American Elderberries
3. Marketing American Elderberries
There are three classes available, and all can be taken on your own time. No quizzes, only wins when you grow the best crop ever! They are easy to watch and learn from, and we guarantee you won't learn more about American elderberries on any other platform in the world.
Learn more about Terry's classes by clicking the button below or sign-up to take the FREE History of Elderberries course to start. Click HERE to start the FREE class.
Visit our Plants & Supplies page to see our available processing equipment, like Terry's Elderberry Destemmer.
Here's Terry on making and planting dormant hardwood cuttings...
Frequently Asked Questions
External Articles & Resources
The University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Articles
Elderberry Showcase by Linda Geist
A Big Plan for A Small Berry by Andrew Thomas
From Folklore to Science, Cultivating Elderberry by Mike Burden
Promise of Elderberry by Linda Geist
A Different Kind of Specialty Crop by Logan Jackson
From The Midwest Elderberry Cooperative Page
The Little Berry That Could by Christopher J Patton
Why Elderberries, Why Now by Katie Reneker
How to Sell a Growing Elderberry Harvest by Christopher J Patton
About American Elderberries
American Elderberry Growing Resources
The University of Missouri's Elderberry Financial Decision Support Tool
Elderberry Research & Production by Patrick Byers & Andrew Thomas
Growing & Marketing Elderberries in Missouri by Patrick Byers, Andrew Thomas, Mihaela Cernusca, Larry Godsey & Michael Gold
Insect & Disease Management
Elderberry Rust Defoliating Plants University of Missouri Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Department
Plant Bugs Damaging Elderberries University of Missouri Integrated Pest Management
Relating to Food Processing
Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe Adapted from the University of MO Extension & University of KY Cooperative Extension Services
Elderflower Production and Cyanide Concern by Andrew Thomas
Articles Relating to Health
Read about the 5.3 million Dollar Elderberry Research Grant
Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of American Elderberry Juice for Improving Cognition and Inflammation in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment by Ashley F. Curtis,Madison Musich, Amy N. Costa, Joshua Gonzales, Hyeri Gonzales, Bradley J. Ferguson, Briana Kille, Andrew L. Thomas, Pei Liu, Michael Greenlief, Joel I. Shenker and David Q. Beversdorf
Rooting Around for Solutions by Lara Stefani
Elderflower Production and Cyanide Concern by Andrew Thomas